Thursday, February 8, 2018

The chickies are here!!

     I went Tuesday to pick up my little fluffballs, and I just absolutely love them! I ordered 3 Buff Orpintons and 3 Easter eggers, but they gave me one extra of each breed as a "just in case" so I have 8 little chickies!!
     They seem to be doing good so far  I've only named one. She's the most outgoing and loudest cheeper, so I named her Heihei. In the picture above she is the darkest one. I had my names picked out before hand and will decide who is who as they show their personality. Just have to come up with 2 extra names because I'm really hoping all 8 make it until they're older.
     Both of my kiddos love the chicks but my youngest wants to be around them all day. He's constantly trying to take us to them to play. It's all chickies this and chickies that. I'm really glad I made this choice because there are very few things he shows interest in in an active way. 
     I do need to look for a new bigger coop though. I bought one that would give 6 chickens good space but it just isn't big enough for 8. I think I've found a good one and it's super cute. It is red and looks like a barn!
     Well I guess that's all for now, I'll keep posting as the chickies grow and start laying eggs!